

上傳日期: 2020/11/27



上傳日期: 2020/11/27

不管是好念頭或壞念頭生起,我們都接受,只要覺知當下就好;妄念來了,不必緊張,我們只要『不隨』——不跟隨它繼續無休無止地往下編劇,不要,只要靜靜看著它,它會自生自滅。不隨念走,就能開啓『覺』,一再練習,久而久之,心如明鏡,漸漸就沒有念頭。 ➤ 詳全文→https://ljm093zen.pse.is/395nug


上傳日期: 2019/6/6

靈鷲山 己亥年春安居四十九日精進禪修閉關

上傳日期: 2019/2/18

若人靜坐一須臾 勝造恆沙七寶塔 敬邀十方護法善信 共同發心護持 護持齋僧 獲無量功德福報

Master Hsin Tao Leads Colloquium in Buddhist Meditation

上傳日期: 2017/11/16

During the 6th Buddhist-Christian Colloquium, Dharma Master Hsin Tao led a meditation session at the Ling Jiou Mountain Wusheng Monastery. Master Hsin Tao believes that in order to have peace in the world, it must first be found in the heart. Master Hsin Tao said,​If we calm our hearts, we can find love. If we find love, we can start to love other people and other things. Only then can healing for the earth begin. Among the people who attended the Chan Meditation session are many Catholic guests.Master Hsin Tao has a special connection to Catholics. They opened up and began talking to other religions earlier. They’re the ones who showed us how to engage with other religions and to start a dialogue. The dialogue that we have is looking at the Bible, Koran, Sutras and finding what we have to offer to society with it, what we can give to people with it, and the answer is morality and compassion - that is what our religions have in common.

20171007 08 靈鷲山無生道場禪法工培訓

上傳日期: 2017/11/16
